
Sarah Palin Wrote That? Yeah, Sure, Right

We have to confess. Our first reaction upon hearing the sentence was -- until the part about the beer bottle in the dogs jaw (which was just bad) -- that it was pretty good.  And we were suprised that Palin had written it. To say the least.

Of course, it turns out, Palin didn't write it.  So who were these ruse's exactly, who pounced all over this Obama as Palin prose?  Readers in a forum? Big deal.  What else is new.   

But Althouse, rabid right wing conservative, bizarrely writes that she liked the quote better after she found out that Obama had (ostensibly) written it.  Which makes no sense, unless she thought that a small apartment with intermittent heat and a downstairs buzzer that didn't work, right up the street from a garage made a lot more sense for Obama's past than Alaska Frontier Palin.

But the grandest part of Althouse's "objectivity" is her announcement that Palin's book and Obama's are almost exactly the same.

Goldberg might -- though she might have needed a few dozen hours rather than 60 seconds -- have been better served pointing out all the hypocrisies, inconsistencies, manipulations and misrepresentations in Palin's work, rather than suggesting, and looking somewhat elitist in so doing, that comparing Palin's book to Obama's "Dreams of My Father," was like comparing "Twilight" to "War and Peace."  Of course, what Althouse says in response is hilarious. Unintentionally. And it's too bad Goldberg was cut off right after going on about "nuance," which seems also to be besides the point.  (Maybe she is techinically right. But Political books are not art shows or depth of character studies. They are to promote and make a point -- ether a valid one, or ones -- or deceptive, misleading, ones. Focusing on how and why noted political books accomplished one or the other, rather than "nuance," is a lot more productive and relevant. But we don't know what else she said. Althouse cut off the tape at that moment.)