
Sure We Can Condemn It While Supporting It

A Column in the National Review Online a few months ago called the claim that Obama was not an American citizen (the "birther" argument) "lunacy," and then proceeded nevertheless to spend most of the rest of that column supporting the legitimacy of that very same "lunacy" claim. 

Here is Megan McArdle, writing in the Atlantic, yesterday
Y’all well know that I really don’t like Sarah Palin. In fact, more than one of you has yelled at me about this. And I find the whole schtick about how the media is just a bunch of elitist hooligans who are out to get her really grating. That’s why I really wish the media wouldn’t act like, well, a bunch of elitist hooligans who are out to get her.
In other words, it is ridiculous to hear about how the media is just a bunch of elitist hooligans out to get her, but the media, is, well, really just a bunch of elitist hooligans out to get her. Or, in McArdle's (weak) defense, only "act" like it.

The rest of McArdle's piece, very one sidedly, also omits a great deal of highly pertinent information.